Bad breath

Bad breath is an important factor in our social relationships.

There is a physiological bad breath, which is not problematic (morning bad breath). Good oral hygiene habits are sufficient to eliminate this bad breath.

While pathological bad breath, which requires more than good hygiene habits can have oral or extra oral origin.

1. Oral Origin: (almost the majority of cases of bad breath).
1.1. Periodontal problems (known as the gum problems).
1.2. Tooth decay.
1.3. Tooth abscess.
1.4. overhang dental fillings or crowns …

2. Origin oral extra:
2.1 Airways disorders.
2.2 Gastrointestinal Disorders.
2.3 Infectious disorders.
2.4 Some medications.
2.5 Functional disorders such as stress, hormonal changes, etc.
2.6 Certain foods such as garlic and onion …

Our recommendations:
1. Good oral hygiene (brushing teeth and tongue, flossing and mouthwash).
2. Regular visits to the dentist to prevent and treat gum disease, tooth decay and other infections.
3. Stimulate your saliva by chewing sugarless gum.
4. Drink water.

About medical conditions, you can consult your doctor.

Bad breath can make us uncomfortable. Talk to your dentist and hygienist: they are here to help you.

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